Data platform

  • Pre-development and packaging
  • Interfaces and integration
  • Infrastructure
  • Apps 
  • Visualization 

The focus on the digital future has taken root in people's everyday lives - from the idea of the paperless office to the streets of so-called smart cities. Yet progress does not stop at small and medium-sized cities: The digital transformation has long since taken place not only in the world's metropolises: People in regional centers and rural regions are also digitizing citizen services, navigating their cars through traffic jams with smart apps and settling parking fees with their smartphones. One of the greatest challenges of our time is not even visible: handling data. This is about management, added value, security and sovereignty - and first and foremost about know-how within city administrations. 


A city has its own rhythm - a pulsation of cars, streetcars and buses, commuters, visitors, merchants and restaurateurs. And all people and processes have one thing in common in the pulse of digitization: they produce data. Whether it's e-government, networked mobility, or decentralized infrastructure in utilities or transportation, the flood of data in the daily life of a city is ever increasing. And so are citizens' questions about who has access to this data and how secure it is.