half-day-Event  /  June 26, 2024, 12:30 bis 17:30 Uhr

The Fraunhofer IOSB-INA invites you on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, to the SmartFactoryOWL, where you can experience the latest developments and possibilities of wireless communication technology in industry and research. Exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere with experts, professionals, and users to learn about the applications and solutions that are relevant to today's and tomorrow's industry in the field of Industrial Wireless. The area of 1,500 sqm is equipped with demonstrators from various industries, showcasing various Industry 4.0 applications. 5G connects many of these demonstrators, providing high mobility as well as a very reliable and secure communication link. The event is complemented by various booths where you can experience the latest hardware and software innovations in the field of industrial Wi-Fi and private 5G.